December 22,2003

FASScience Summaries are collections of scientific papers pertaining to current topics in the Animal Science Industries, and technical, extension, and 'popular press' articles that relate the practical applications of this research. Topics include hot issues in Dairy, Beef, Swine, and Poultry Productions, Meat Science, Nutrition, Health, Environment, and Companion and Exotic Animals.

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Beef Production:Another Look at Brucellosis in the United States
Companion/Exotic Animals:Bioengineered Pets
Poultry Production:Prolonged Egg Storage
Meat Science:Beef Quality Assurance
Dairy Production:The Effectiveness of Teat Seals
Special Issue:Walk a Mile In My Boots
Swine Production:The Effects of Social Stressors on Pig Performance
Dairy Foods:Got Hormones?