Annual Meeting Proceedings

The scientific presentations delivered at the annual AETA meeting are published by the AETA and distributed to the meeting attendees. All of these proceedings are archived on this website.

This search engine will help you quickly locate specific articles in the archived AETA Proceedings.  Enter  a key word or phrase, click search,  and Proceedings Search will examine the titles and text of all the past proceedings.  You will then be presented with a list of articles which contain your key words.  You may click on any of the listed articles for immediate access to the full text of that article.  You may repeat or refine your search as needed.

Disclaimer: Articles published in the Proceedings of the AETA Annual Meeting are not peer-reviewed or refereed. All statements, opinions and conclusions contained in the Proceedings are those of the author(s), and are not necessarily those of the American Embryo Transfer Association unless specifically approved by the AETA Board of Directors.

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